"Haste thou to life before death cometh; haste thou to the spring season before autumn draweth in; and before illness striketh, haste thou to healing -- that thou mayest become a physician of the spirit who, with the breaths of the Holy Spirit, healeth all manner of sickness in this famed and glorious age." (Abdu'l-Baha, Selections from the Writings of Abdu'l-Baha, p. 56)
The first day of spring is a glorious time and to be our New Years is marvelous. Here in Hamilton, Ontario Canada it was a beautiful day with warm sun and gentle breezes making the daffodils gently dance in temperatures around 23 C. It was joyous day. The only clouds on this day was that I am ill and could not attend our Holy Day celebration.
I found the above quote and was struck with the enormity of Abdu'l-Baha's instructions to us. I was struck by how often we waste our time on trivia and then all of a sudden it is autumn or we are ill and unable to do what is the most important things in our lives. Being sick does, however, have its benefits. It allows us time while healing to contemplate what really is important in our lives. Is purchasing a new this or that, or going doing this or that more important than serving this Beloved Cause? Reflection assists one to refocus what our priorities must be.
Missing the Holy Day celebration was difficult but it has given me pause to think of what my priorities in service should be. I must focus on love. In my neighbourhood, love is a key to healing. Seeing the nobility of each and everyone I encounter rather than knee jerking to some negatives. This needs to be added to my daily journeys.
Happy Naw Ruz everyone.
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